Top 5 all time favourite anime ships

One of the things I love about being a fan of anime is the communities that are created. Today, I want to discuss a topic that can either bring fandoms together or rip them apart and that is the shipping. Now don’t worry guys I won’t be bashing any ones favourite ships or anything like that (so take a deep breath and relax). I just want to talk about 5 of my favourite ships and hear a bit more about some of your favs and why you love them so much. So let’s get started, shall we?

mai and zuko 1

Mai and Zuko: Avatar the Last Airbender

Now these two get a lot of steam when it comes to the avatar fandom there are some who are loyal Zutarians (ship Zuko and Katara), those who themselves are fangirling over Zuko and hate the thought of him being with anyone and lastly the Mai haters who cannot stand her nonchalant lack of emotion. But I personally love this couple simply because they are not the stereotypical lovey dovey couple. I think it’s incredibly sweet that they had crushes on each other since they were kids and with all the drama of the war, taking different sides and years of being apart was not enough to keep these two apart. Many claim they do not suit each other because they are too similar but I beg to differ. Zuko wears his heart on his sleeves and Mai is very reserved basically they balance each other out. Not to mention we rarely ever see them smile without the other.

My favourite line: Mai “I love Zuko more than I fear you”

 harima and aries

Harima and Aries: School Rumble

Ok, so maybe these two aren’t an actual couple but they have had so many funny moments and it is plainly obvious that Aries does in fact have a crush on Harima, she is just too embarrassed to admit it. As nice as it would be for Harima to eventually tell Tenma how he feels I actually think these two would have a more interesting relationship. Please correct me if I am wrong – but I think there is more chemistry between these two characters in comparison to Tenma and Harima.

My favourite line: Aries “So which is your favourite curry or meat and potatoes”

vegeta 1

Bulma and Vegeta: Dragonball Z

Where do I even begin with these two? They are probably one of the least romantic and hot headed couple of all time but that is probably why I love them so much. I am still trying to figure out how this happened. The Vegeta we know and love is so proud and stubborn it’s hard to imagine him showing any real feelings towards another living thing. Without sounding creepy I think the appeal of this ship is how little we know about their relationship. How they ended up together is completely left up to the fandom (and thus begins endless fanfics). I highly doubt they will ever fill in the blanks or show us their wedding day (a girl can dream though). However, Vegeta has since the Cell Games showed more of his compassionate side and has even gone as far admitting he cares for Bulma when she is in danger.

My favourite line: Bulma “Unwind a little and see what life has to offer you, you’re actually kind of cute”


Chihiro and Haku: Spirited Away

Yes they are just children but hey I still ship them. I think they did both care quite a lot for each other and went to extreme lengths to look out for one another during the entirety of the film. Plus Chihiro helped him remember who he was. I don’t know about you but I see the early blossoming of a new romance. Spirited Away 2 any one?

My favourite line: ChihiroYou saved me, I knew you were good


Sanae and Akio: Clannad

I know what you are all thinking – why have I not chosen Nagisa and Tomoya? Well, yes they are a rather cute couple in the making but I actually love the dynamics between the parents instead. I find it hilarious that Sanae runs a bakery for a living, yet she is so terrible at making bread and even after all those years of making horrendous food Akio still stands by her. Sanae is calm, loving and kind; whereas Akio is quick tempered, impulsive and protective the 2 make a lovely team. I imagine them to be exactly the same as they once were in high school. Maybe someday Nagisa and Tomoya will make my shipping list once they have gotten over the awkward getting to know each other stage but until then…

My favourite line: Akio “Sanae I love your bread”

Ships are such an integral part of anime fandoms, let me know some of your favourites in the comment section below.